About Me

I teach Economics and Econometrics. There is not much else required here. I am also connected to the following, one way or another:

The Centre for Health Economics at the University of York.

The Health, Econometrics and Data Group also at the University of York.

The National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University

Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research also at the Australian National University

I also have a fotolog. As does my wife, who is a mediaeval art historian, studying at Columbia (the university). Of my friends, I know one has a blog himself.

This photograph, by the by, was taken  on the public side of the bottom wall of the Quaker retreat in York (from our perspective, it is the wall past which one walks through the Walmgate Stray). It is still one of my favourite pieces of graffiti – and I live in NY now.

5 comments so far

  1. canadada on

    Hello. Just wondering why my site is linked to yours via a Google search … are you picking up my data or something???? Otherwise, interestin’ blog… will return. Cheers, C

  2. Dan Rossi on

    I just read your input on a story the Times did about me several months ago. Your pretty down the middle. If you knew a little more about the problem you would you might have a different point of view.

    Just to let you know where we stand now, I defended a disabled veteran in State Supreme Court about two weeks ago, challenging the cities refusal to give him a permit. We’ll win, but I expect the city to drag it through the Appeals courts.

    And by the way, the permit on my cart is the most expensive permit issued in the cities history. My support of our veterans cost me 498 permits I purchased with real money. They left me with one.

    I could never be Ghandi, he was a great man, I’m just a good one.

  3. Andrew Knight on

    Hi Economic Objectorvism,

    I’m emailing you in regards to an email I sent to you last month about a partnership, have you had a chance to think about it?

    If you have any questions or would more information, please advise me and we can go from there.

    Kind Regards,
    Andrew Knight.

  4. kelli lewis on

    hi would love a copy of lyrics from bob randell’s brown skin baby. would u be able to email me a copy to usr in my yr 10 class cheers kelli

  5. Anonymous on

    Hi, I see that you are willing to email a copy of the lyrics from Bob Randall’s song? Could you please send a copy to me also? Thanks!

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